So what’s the difference between a Physio and chiropractor?

So what's the difference between a Physio and chiropractor?Basically, there is a lot of overlap between the two professions. Both Liverpool chiropractors and Liverpool physiotherapists treat problems associated with the joints, muscles and nerves to decrease pain and increase movement and return you to full function.

The main difference between a Physio and chiropractor is traditionally chiropractors focus more on the function of the spine and pelvis and it’s alignment and effect on the nervous system through the use of manipulation, where a Physio will focus more on the muscles using mobilisations and exercises. Some physiotherapists will also manipulate the spine, but unlike Chiropractic it is fair to say this is not their primary treatment technique.

The biggest difference is in their approach to treatment and their philosophy to care. As an example; if a patient suffered from low back pain or neck pain, a Chiropractor would use gentle manipulation and soft tissue techniques (trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage) to help promote healing of the body. Traditionally, physiotherapists are less ‘hands on’ with their treatment of back pain, using more exercise – based approaches.

Our Liverpool Chiropractor can help you with fast, effective pain relief from back pain, joint pain, postural problems and help return you to peak performance following a sporting injury.  We also work with you to keep you pain free.

If you have are suffering with back or joint pain, or suffering from headaches, please contact us for an appointment.

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