What is Upper Body Dysfunction?

What is Upper Body Dysfunction?Let us look at Upper-body dysfunction and how it relates to postural dysfunction, injuries, pain and discomfort, so that we can implement a corrective exercise plan to combat the effects detailed within the article.

An upper body dysfunction is a postural imbalance typical of those who are office based workers, spending endless hours at a desk or computer, or even driving for long periods of time. This posture is characterised by an increase in the curve in the upper back (hyperkyphosis), forward rounded internally rotated shoulders and a forward head carriage.

The Upper Body Dysfunction is a common compensatory pattern that has previously been called an Upper Crossed Syndrome due to the characteristic muscular imbalances where certain muscles are prone to hyperactivity and tightness, while others have a tendency toward under activity and weakness.

Various texts have discussed this tendency, commonly referring to these groups of muscles as ‘tonic’ (short / overactive) and ‘phasic’ (long / under active).

Simplistically, an upper body dysfunction describes a muscular imbalance where your chest, shoulders and neck musculature become tight and overactive, in turn these muscles switch off (inhibit) their opposing muscles which are the mid and lower trapezius muscles (back musculature), serrates anterior (scapular stabilising muscles) and deep neck flexors so that these become under-active and weak.

Over time our bodies become overloaded from our activities of daily living (work, driving, sport etc) and will usually adapt to the activities we do the most, which results in the ‘tonic’ muscles becoming overactive, tight and adaptively shortening while the ‘phasic’ muscles becoming under-active, weak and even ‘switching-off’.

What are The consequences of having an Upper Body Dysfunction?

These imbalances typical of an Upper Body Dysfunction or Upper Crossed Posture place additional stresses on the joints, tendons and ligaments as your body tries to compensate for the muscular imbalances.

On a basic level these individuals will usually suffer from some form of pain in either or all the following places:

– Neck
– Shoulders
– Upper Back
– Headaches

If you are suffering from any of the above, our Liverpool Chiropractor can help you with fast, effective pain relief.  We will help you achieve a better posture and help keep you pain free.  Please contact us to make an appointment.

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